U.S. Gun Laws and the Las Vegas Massacre

Hello Everyone,

I am back, now teaching in Europe.  You will be hearing from me a lot now.

First off, this horror in Las Vegas:

Why Stephen Paddock chose to annihilate 59 human beings and injure 527 more is beyond anyone's imagination.

Paddock strategically planned this massacre.   We will find out how he acquired these powerful weapons and massive amounts of ammunition to execute his plan, and to no one's surprise, because the laws in so many states allow such access.

The NRA must be proud of how the Nevada officials who faced the TV cameras yesterday, and spoke only about unity, thankfulness to all first responders, but not one of the officials, neither the Mayor of Las Vegas, nor Congress members, nor Governor Brian Sandoval of Nevada had the grit to speak out about the fact that U.S. Gun laws allow easy access to such weapons, causing this kind of carnage. 

The Republican representatives, including President Donald Trump, whose political campaign chests exist heavily on funding they receive from the National Rifle Association members, must be proud of their stance against restricting Americans access to weapons used by the military in wartime.

I hope you, the reader of my words, will demand that your representatives in both Houses and Mr. Trump start really protecting all their constituents from more U.S.-born white terrorists like Paddock.

And if your representatives and President don't modify our gun laws with needed restrictions, Federally and State-wise, then vote them all out of office!


Angela Oberbauer, M.A.


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